Revitalizing Bras Basah

“Your Chapter”

A collaborative Project with Winnie Seow. Completed in the year 2020, Year 2 Semester 2

“Your Chapter” is inspired by the recognised name of the Bras Basah Complex as the ‘City of books’.

​Hoping to revive the culture of books at Bras Basah the design promotes the ‘Culture of Reading’, having “chapters” to represent the different zones. Additionally, “Your Chapter” is a translation of what reading feels like as it offers numerous scenes and spaces that can create different experiences similar to a book.

The design process

A linear language derived from a typical form of a book is adapted to the ground plan. Below is the ideation for types of seating to be applied to the ground plan to further implicate the different inspirations gained from books.

Views and perspectives

Night view

Extended area by Winnie Seow

A linear language derived from a typical form of a book is adapted to the ground plan. Below is the ideation for types of seating to be applied to the ground plan to further implicate the different inspirations gained from books.

Check out Divine and Winnie’s teamwork for “Your Chapter” :